If an inventor wishes to make an application in a number of different
countries there are a number of deadlines to be taken into consideration,
depending on which countries applications are to be made in, and which
approach is taken to making such international applications. For example,
if an application for a utility patent is made in the US, which is under
the jurisdiction of the "Paris Convention", then if a further application
is made in another country (for example, Japan) which is also under the
jurisdiction of the "Paris Convention" within one year of filing the US
application, the Japanese application will be valid from the date of filing
the original US application. Also, according to the Patent
Cooperation Treaty, a single international (PCT) filing can be made
within one year of making an application in a participating country which
will then cover all PCT jurisdictions. Further filings then have to be
made in the countries in which you wish the application to apply within
certain specified time-periods. Details regarding PCT applications can
be found here.